It’s that time of year again when we at Independence Live ask you if you can contribute to our modest crowdfunder to keep us LIVE for 2025. We …give our time for free, but we do need to cover livestreaming equipment and subscriptions to our online studio and restreaming facilities so whatever you can spare is very welcome.
This is an important year for the indy movement, here’s a short video with some of the indylive team to explain why.
Thanks for watching and thanks for all your support in 2024!!
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Help Ignite Indy! Crowdfunder 2025
It’s that time of year again when we at Independence Live ask you if …
It’s that time of year again when we at Independence Live ask you if you can contribute to our modest crowdfunder to keep us LIVE for 2025. We …give our time for free, but we do need to cover livestreaming equipment and subscriptions to our online studio and restreaming facilities so whatever you can spare is very welcome.
This is an important year for the indy movement, here’s a short video with some of the indylive team to explain why.
Thanks for watching and thanks for all your support in 2024!!
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TNT Show. Ep191. With John Proctor & Prof. David Pearson from Energy Scotland.
Energy Scotland engage with all stakeholders in order to stimulate …
Energy Scotland engage with all stakeholders in order to stimulate discussion around every aspect of the Scottish energy sector. See
Energy Scotland will be one of the groups also …appearing at the Independence Forum Scotland, National Convention on the 1st of March at Greyfriars Charteris Centre in Edinburgh.
SCOTONOMICS Ep: 122 Selling Government Bonds is a Policy Choice
Stephanie Kelton presented at the Gower Institute in Leeds over the …
Stephanie Kelton presented at the Gower Institute in Leeds over the summer. Her topic was “To Bond or Not to Bond.” In the session, Professor Kelton explained that issuing Government …Bonds was a policy choice. It is a matter of accounting, not economics.
William was in the audience, and this is his recording.
Stephanie says: ”Issuing bonds for a currency-issuing government is a policy choice, not an economic imperative. It’s a policy choice. Here’s Randy and Yeva, ‘issuing bonds is a voluntary operation that gives the public the opportunity to substitute non-interest earning government liabilities, think cash, for interest-bearing government liabilities, T bills, notes, bonds, which are credit balances and securities accounts at the same time.’
If people believe the government needs to borrow to spend, then you get into all of these debates. Who’s gonna buy them? Is the bid-to-cover ratio gonna be adequate? And all the rest of the kind of stuff. But if you understand that bonds are voluntary operations, then it becomes irrelevant, these sorts of debates, whether there are takers for government bonds, and whether they’re owned by domestic or foreign citizens.”
So the UK chooses to ‘borrow’. Once independent again, Scotland would have to make a choice. Would it issue Bonds or not? The key and most important point is that Bonds do not fund government spending.[+] Show More
Previously on What's on Guide
TNT Show. Ep190. With Ian Grant, Independence Forum Scotland.
We will be discussing the Independence Forum Scotland, National Convention on the 1st of March at Greyfriars Charteris Centre in Edinburgh and more. See
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TNT Show. Ep190. With Ian Grant, Independence Forum Scotland.
We will be discussing the Independence Forum Scotland, National …
We will be discussing the Independence Forum Scotland, National Convention on the 1st of March at Greyfriars Charteris Centre in Edinburgh and more. See
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SCOTONOMICS EP 121: Busting the Degrowth Myths
We are joined by John “the” Duncan to talk about degrowth. We have …
We are joined by John “the” Duncan to talk about degrowth. We have covered growth before on the show, and we thought it was time to do another introduction to …growth and talk about some of the myths and the ‘straw man’ of degrowth.
What’s on Guide – Newsletter – Events – Shows – Podcasts:
NEW Independence Live are now helping to build Indy communities on BSky including accounts for Academics, Nurses, Farmers, Retired Teachers, Scots Abroad and Scotland for Independence with more planned. See & Starter Packs.[+] Show More
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SCOTONOMICS Ep 120: Against The Crisis with with Ståle Holgersen
Is the word crisis overused? When everything is in crisis, can we …
Is the word crisis overused? When everything is in crisis, can we focus on the things that matter? Or are we so shocked by the crisis that we cannot act? …
Perhaps most importantly, who profits from a crisis?
We are delighted to be joined by Ståle Holgersen a Senior Lecturer in Human Geography at Stockholm University. The author of Against the Crisis: Economy and Ecology in a Burning World discusses the crisis we face and how we react to avert crisis.
SCOTONOMICS Ep 119: Natural Capital Market Framework
with Emma Cooper from the Scottish Land Commission. The Scottish …
with Emma Cooper from the Scottish Land Commission.
The Scottish Government published its framework for Natural Capital Markets in November, stating that, “Scotland’s natural environment is at the heart of our …identity, economy, and communities. This document supports responsible, values-led investment in natural capital through the expansion of high-integrity voluntary carbon markets, and development of opportunities to invest in biodiversity.”
We delve into the idea of natural capital and the new framework with the Scottish Land Commission.
SCOTONOMICS 2024 Economic Review. With special guest Prof Steve Keen
It has been some year! We will discuss some of the big economic …
It has been some year! We will discuss some of the big economic events, including Labour and Trump’s victories, and what impact the ideas of Reeves and Musk will have …on the economy. It has also been a terrible year for climate events, and we will, of course, connect our economic activity with our ecological issues.[+] Show More
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Ep 31 Recce Report – 9 December 2024
Cliff and Russ from Veterans for Scottish Independence cast a critical …
Cliff and Russ from Veterans for Scottish Independence cast a critical eye on the events of the day.
The Recce Report is LIVE on the second Monday of the month …at 8PM.
Tara O’Connor – formerly a managing director at Kroll Associates and …
Tara O’Connor – formerly a managing director at Kroll Associates and Middle East and Africa executive at Control Risks – along with a Kenyan partner founded Africa Risk Consulting (ARC) …in September 2006. Tara O’Connor brings to the firm over 30 years of investigative, risk management and geopolitical strategic advisory experience. Tara’s particular areas of expertise are francophone West and Southern Africa. Since founding ARC in 2006, she has carried out consulting and advised at board level on corporate pre-investment and expansion strategies involving 40 of Africa’s 54 countries. She has supported companies with political assessments, due diligence investigations into companies and people, and where necessary, asset tracing, litigation-support, political risk assessments. Some projects include more complex investigations, often spanning several countries. In 2013 Tara founded ARC Briefing – a country risk information service that covers politics economics and operational issues in 23 African markets monthly.
Tara hosts a podcast on African business politics and human interest issues – ARC Insider – and is a regular contributor to Monocle radio’s international affairs output. Born in Zimbabwe, brought up in Zambia, Tara is a graduate of the University of Cape Town. Tara is based in London (UK), South Africa and France and travels frequently in the African region.
Summary: Political analyst. Africa. France-Africa. EU-Africa. Democracy. Constitutionalism. Equality: 50:50 boards, parliaments, life. Migrant.
SCOTONOMICS Ep: 118 SOCIAL MURDER? Austerity and Life Expectancy in the UK
Professor Gerry McCartney and David Walsh. Life expectancy is about …
Professor Gerry McCartney and David Walsh.
Life expectancy is about more than just health – it’s about the kind of society we live in. And in the early 2010s, after decades …of continual improvement, life expectancy in the UK, US and many other rich countries stopped increasing. For millions of people, it actually declined. Despite hundreds of thousands of extra deaths, governments and officials remained silent.
This book combines robust evidence with real-life stories to demonstrate how austerity policies caused this scandal. It argues that this shocking and tragic suffering was predictable and caused by a dereliction of duty by those in power.
The book concludes with an optimistic vision of what can be done to restore life expectancy improvements and reduce health inequalities.
SCOTONOMICS Ep 117: Introducing Growth for Good with Drew Hendry
Growth has the potential to mean more than just profit – businesses …
Growth has the potential to mean more than just profit – businesses can make a lasting difference to the people and communities that power them. That’s the driving idea behind …Growth for Good: highlighting how businesses and leaders can grow while creating a positive impact. We discussed the idea with former SNP MP Drew Henry. We also discuss growth in a more general sense. If there is good growth, what is bad growth?[+] Show More
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TNT Show. Ep186. With Peter Bell.
Peter Bell is a well known Indy activist and blogger. He has recently …
Peter Bell is a well known Indy activist and blogger. He has recently setup the New Scotland Party (NSP). We will be finding out more about this and the NSP …launch event on November the 30th in Perth.
What’s on Guide – Newsletter – Events – Shows – Podcasts:
Many Scottish independence supporters have now moved to BSky social media platform as an alternative to the platform formerly known as Twitter because of the perceived toxic environment. We have setup our own BSky account and so far it’s looking really good and we recommend it. We can also embed YouTube videos of our shows & events. TNT Show will always be embedded and pinned on BSky. We will still stream to former-Twitter but our interaction will be minimal.
We have over 10,000 subscribers on YouTube and we now consider that our main streaming platforms for all our online shows and the big events we cover although we do stream to others platforms: TikTok, Facebook, Instagram, former Twitter (for time being) & Twitch.
TNT Show. Ep185. With Respect Scottish Sovereignty – Leah Gunn Barrett & David Younger.
With guests Leah Gunn Barrett & David Younger from Respect Scottish …
With guests Leah Gunn Barrett & David Younger from Respect Scottish Sovereignty.
The International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR) was adopted by the United Nations in 1966 and ratified …by the UK government in 1976. Article 1 of ICCPR states all people have the right of self-determination, and Article 25 states that all citizens have the right to take part directly in public affairs. Nearly 50 years later, the UK has not incorporated it into law.
Respect Scottish Sovereignty (RSS) is a grassroots movement to pressure MSPs to enact ICCPR into Scots law, just as they did for the International Covenant on the Rights of the Child. In August, RSS published an Open Letter to the First Minister that has attracted over 300 signatures and has recently submitted a petition request to the Holyrood public petitions committee, on which it is awaiting a response.
RSS will be organising local units around Scotland to remind MSPs that the Scottish People are Sovereign but lack the tools – direct political rights as guaranteed in the ICCPR – to exercise their sovereignty, and so must incorporate these internationally recognised political rights into Scots law.
What’s on Guide – Newsletter – Events – Shows – Podcasts:
Many Scottish independence supporters have now moved to BSky social media platform as an alternative to the platform formerly known as Twitter because of the perceived toxic environment. We have setup our own BSky account and so far it’s looking really good and we recommend it. We can also embed YouTube videos of our shows & events. TNT Show will always be embedded and pinned on BSky. We will still stream to former-Twitter but our interaction will be minimal.
We have over 10,000 subscribers on YouTube and we now consider that our main streaming platforms for all our online shows and the big events we cover although we do stream to others platforms: TikTok, Facebook, Instagram, former Twitter (for time being) & Twitch.